$0.00 CAD

Meet Our Team

Lady Samantha

BComm from U of T; The Rock Store Director; Professional Astrologer: focussing on natal chart analysis, predictive, mundane, relationship, financial, and parenting; Manual Distributor for Gendai Reiki Association Japan, Gendai Reiki Shihan, Komyo Reiki Shihan, Author of "The Planets and Me: Astrology for the Wild Child"

Samantha started The Rock Store in 2009 when it was still situated in Ed Mirvish village tucked behind the iconic department store at Bathurst and Bloor. She quickly transformed that store into a bustling healing centre and community space for Reiki, astrology, esoteric learning and ritual. She has used astrology personally to manage and implement the business from its early beginnings. Her practice involves Hellenistic, medieval and modern astrological techniques, blending various traditions and her wealth of mythological and ritual background into her understanding of archetypal analysis. She blends her intuitive nature and sensitivity, her business acumen, her devotion and enjoyment to be of service, and extensive astrological knowledge into each and every offering with her clients and students. www.ladysamantha.com www.moonsofavalon.com

Jayne Marie

Tarot Reader, Tarot Teacher
Email: jaynemarie@therockstore.ca

Jayne Marie’s philosophy for tarot and numerology is based on the belief that every person holds the answers to questions that arise during their life journey. Tapping into your subconscious is achieved by Jayne Marie’ s ability to combine these practices with her intuitive gift. She receives the messages, lessons, and blessings from the universe that are just waiting to be released from your spirit..

Jayne has been reading tarot professionally for over 17 years and teaching for 6 years.


Jennifer Faraone

Gendai Reiki Practitioner
Email: jennifer@therockstore.ca

I’ve always been drawn to the simplicity and accessibility of reiki. Rather than trying to explain or understand its’ healing potential, I simply lean into wherever it takes me, knowing that it always ends up taking me to the place where it’s needed most. So much can be uncovered when we simply allow ourselves to be open and observe with curiosity.

One of my most profound teachings with reiki has been the ability to surrender and trust; and I am honored to help others connect to reiki and support them during their own journey.

Gregmar Newman

Reiki Practitioners
Email: gregmar@therockstore.ca

I can safely say that my life has been divided into before Reiki and after Reiki. My spiritual journey started with Reiki and I haven’t looked back since. Reiki thought me the true meaning of trusting and letting go. I see Reiki as a very powerful, yet gentle way to bring more balance, healing and harmony into our life. I try to weave my knowledge as a Yoga and Ayurveda educator into my Reiki sessions to support people in exploring ways of living in alignment with their True Self. It’s an honour and a privilege to share Reiki with my clients.


Britany Lee

Iridology Reader, Manager of The Rock Store
Email: britany@therockstore.ca

I discovered the practice of Iridology while on my own personal healing journey. After years of unanswered questions and being frustrated with what the traditional western medical industry had to offer, I sought alternative healing modalities that focused on the idea of holistic health. I found the answers I was in need of, as well as comfort in being heard and supported with natural healing tools.