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All about Spiritual Counselling at The Rock Store

07. June 2016

We offer a broad range of services at the store to serve the Rock Store community, and Spiritual Counseling and Mentoring is just one. Here we highlight what this service is all about (and isn’t).

When people come to see me for counseling, they are coming to visit with an “anam cara” – anam cara is a Celtic term for soul friend. A soul friend is someone you can connect with for compassionate, inspirational and often humorous conversation.

Most people interested in Spiritual Counseling and Mentoring are looking for ways to move forward in life with a sense of purpose, but feel a bit stuck in their current life circumstances. They just need someone to talk to who’s not going to judge them or try to fix them. They just want to feel better about their journey and make good choices.

Spiritual Counseling and Mentoring is not therapy or psychoanalysis – it’s more like life coaching that supports the needs of the soul. What I know after working with thousands of people is that we all just want to feel good about our lives, so when circumstances get in the way of that, counseling can help inspire ways to connect to a client’s natural healing abilities by embracing the power of “soul Brilliance”.

One of the pillars of my work is to reflect that Brilliance, which means I’m going to focus on what is essentially true about you – that you are a human being born with inherent gifts (your Brilliance) and that the experiences you’ve had in life may be obscuring your ability to see, Be, and act from that Brilliance.

Let’s face it – life is tricky, especially if we have funky ways of coping with stress, change, and loss. And then there are the lasting effects of what happened in the early part of life that helped us cope and carry on to where we are now – this usually comes with effective and not-so-effective ways of dealing with the ups and downs of life.

So I help people heal the effects of what hasn’t worked so well in life, while offering psycho-spiritual education to help you understand how you’re wired to not just cope but to thrive. I offer perspective, tools and practices to help develop self-compassion, -love and -care, appropriate boundaries, effective communication, effective energy management, empathy and confidence.

For those looking to manage and integrate the gifts that come with spiritual awakening and development, Spiritual Counseling and Mentoring supports the embodiment of the spirit. That means bringing the gifts of spirit into the body and harmonizing them with the needs of the body, emotions and the mind. This again calls for tools that support the expression of appropriate boundaries, effective communication, effective energy management, empathy and confidence while sharing spiritual gifts.

Since we are in what I call “awakening times”, Spiritual Counseling and Mentoring offers an alternative to more conventional services that diagnose and treat what’s wrong (which have their place for people who need that). Spiritual Counseling and Mentoring at The Rock Store focuses on what’s right and Brilliant about clients, while healing the effects of being human with a heart that just wants to love and be loved and a soul that craves peace, fun, purpose and inspiration.

For more information about Spiritual Counseling and Mentoring see https://www.therockstore.ca/collections/spiritual-counselling.

For more information about me, your “anam cara”, see https://www.therockstore.ca/pages/team. For more information about other services and products, visit the store, and check out the rest of this site.

By Andra Evans

Copyright © 2016 Andra Evans, on behalf of The Rock Store Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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